About Jamie Crawford

photo credit Jane Bown

For the past 20 years Jamie has been telling stories to people of all ages at schools, theatres, festivals, museums and conservation sites. Described as ‘one of the few storytellers that has pulled off the magic of maintaining a high emotional charge while at the same time keeping a close connection with his audience’ (Graham Langley, Storytelling Café) Jamie matches his stories to the particularities of place, occasion and audience to create dramatic, memorable events.

In his practice Jamie draws on traditional tales passed down by word of mouth from one generation to another. Many of these stories were, and in some cultures still are, told primarily for adults, often as forms of teaching or initiation from elder to younger. Although its status and roles are changing in the 21st century, oral storytelling retains its age-old capacity to match any other art form with its own distinctive capacities to delight, surprise, provoke, enchant and move us. At its most intense, a well told story involves teller and listener in a profound and revelatory journey of the heart.


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